Simplifying Success in the US Wine Market: Bluest Sky Wine's Guidance for Wineries and Wine Producers
Michael Yurch works as a wine importer and industry consultant by helping wineries break into the US market, or improve their existing presence. The Bluest Sky Wine company strives to fill the gap between wine producers and those who place those wines into the hands of the consumer.
Living in an era of exceptionally good wines being created in an incredible variety of terroir and locations, wines seem to continue to improve with every new vintage.
Competition for space on the retailer’s shelf or a placement on the restaurant wine list, has become intense. Meanwhile, the American system of importation and distribution continues to grow more complex. We simplify things for the winery, which in turn eases the burden on the distributor and makes the business of wine less complicated.
Wineries need to sell their wines and distributors need to turn their inventories. Bluest Sky Wine strives to fill the gap between these two entities, and put those wines into the hands of consumers.